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THE SCALLOP: Reflections on the Journey

Sing Out, Heavens, Rejoice, Earth

PHOTO: Mary van Balen

Last night, this old hippie attended her first rock concert. Well, the Trans Siberian Orchestra is not a true "rock band," as my daughter who accompanied me pointed out, but it is close enough. I was propelled to buy two tickets one night when I was hungry for music, music that would energize as well as entertain. Having listened to Rochmaninoff's "Vespers," Handel's Messiah," and Pavorrati's "O Holy Night" countless times, I logged on the internet only to find that the singalong Messiah, and any holiday offerings of the symphony were past. Few options remained before the new year.

One group, Trans Siberian Orchestra, sounded familiar. My work schedule actually would allow me to attend their Sunday afternoon concert. I googled the group, an eclectic mix of strings, percussion, guitar, and vocals, and decided to give it a go.  Read More 

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